In the next 1 to 2 weeks every church and every pastor will be receiving a number of emails. The emails will give you your New Insurance Rate and explain the payments. All churches will be required to either mail in or drop off 12 cheques for our New Insurance policies. One cheque is to be dated June 12, 2020, and 11 cheques will be posted dated. All churches will have until July 31, 2020 to get the cheques to the office. For those churches who have already paid for Insurance your rates will be adjusted accordingly.
Every church working with GCC is required to carry insurance. If we did not carry insurance everyone would be responsible for each other’s mishaps, accidents, or errors. Without insurance litigation would be extended to the holdings of the entire incorporation which includes your assets.
Insurance includes Plan to Protect which helps you and your staff understand and be able to implement safety procedures which will protect your people.
All churches will be receiving emails with your new rates effective June 12, 2024. You will be required to send into the office 1 cheque dated June 12, 2024 and 11 post dated cheques.
Credential renewals.
Credentials are available to all pastors and ministry staff of Gilgal Christian Community, Gilgal Christian Internacional Community , or Gilgal christian Missions. Credentials are also available to pastors of established churches but these are not at the lower rates.
Our pricing structure has changed.
In the past we have charged a minimal fee for credentials. The fees have been set at $25.00 per year and $150.00 per year for ordained pastors. We have now added $25.00 to these fees to make sure everyone pays for the annual conference and hopefully everyone will therefore attend. The conference is generally mandatory in every credentialing organization and we feel that it is imperative that all our credential holders attend as well.
This year you will have the option of paying your credentials for either on year or two years.
One year with conference for spiritual care worker, lead pastor, or license Pastor will be $.150.00 One year with conference for an ordained pastor will be $150.00
You will have the option of paying for two years at the same time. The invoice will come in the name of your church and your church should pay this for you.
Bookkeeping fees.
We have already published that there is an increase in bookkeeping fees to offset the real costs we have to deal with. Bookkeeping fees are set at 3.8% of gross income. This is what is paid on contract for the bookkeeping and filing of your income to Innovation, Science and Technology Canada and to the Canada Revenue Agency.
How we charge this is as follows. Normal tithable income is split between the local church and the national office. In this case you will be paying 1.9% and national office will pay the other 1.9%. Where there are special offerings or other income which does not generate any funding for us at national office, we invoice the local church for the full actual cost of 3.8%. This will be reflected in your invoice.
Thee invoices are sent after the second quarter and after the end of the year so you will be getting an invoice soon based on this past income.
We have a number of groups using our facilities which pay rent and these invoices will be sent out in the next week or two to each group.
Gilgal Missional Community Church affiliate churches.
We have a number of affiliate churches connected to GMCC whose pastors generally hold credentials with us and have partnership agreements. Affiliate churches participate with offerings at a suggested rate. The rate is $3 per member or atendee to be donated every quarter or four times a year. The church of 50 people in that case will be asked to donate $100 every quarter.
This does not include credential or conference fees.
Remittance forms will soon be sent out so that contributions can be made. This is the only income we have from the affiliate churches and it is generally symbolic.
Need to know.
What is important to realize is that the funding provided through this means is generally paid out. This funding is used to pay real costs such as insurance, rent and the cost of conferences and credentials. Any funds invoiced really represent money we are paying out upfront and so if we do not receive these funds we have to take the shortfall from our programs budgets in tithes. It is for this reason that we need to take care of real cost responsibilities. Thank you for your participation in all of this. We really do appreciate your sacrifice and commitment.